
Reviving Square Dance: Chicago Project Draws Younger Crowd, Combats Aging Participant Base

The U Can Square Dance project ignites a resurgence in square dancing, blending tradition with modern appeal to attract a new generation. Its success highlights the dance's enduring charm and community spirit.

Muhammad Jawad
New Update
Reviving Square Dance: Chicago Project Draws Younger Crowd, Combats Aging Participant Base

Reviving Square Dance: Chicago Project Draws Younger Crowd, Combats Aging Participant Base

With roots in 17th-century Europe, square dancing evolved into a beloved American pastime, peaking in popularity mid-20th century and declared the national dance in 1982. However, as participants aged, younger generations seemed disinterested, leading to a decline. The U Can Square Dance project, initiated by Chicago's Pam Berg, aims to reverse this trend by attracting a diverse age group, reigniting interest in this communal activity.


Project Resurgence Amid Pandemic Challenges

The pandemic posed significant challenges for square dancing, a community-centric activity. Yet, the U Can Square Dance project, delayed by COVID-19, resumed with vigor, adapting to new norms and successfully engaging new enthusiasts. Christine Steffy, president of the Metropolitan Chicago Association of Square Dancers, highlights the project's success in rebuilding the community, emphasizing the joy and teamwork experienced by participants from varied age groups.

Community and Puzzle-Solving Appeal


Key to the project's appeal is the sense of community it fosters among participants, alongside the mental challenge it presents. As dancers learn and execute calls, they develop a unique camaraderie and enjoy the mental stimulation akin to puzzle-solving. This aspect, coupled with the incorporation of contemporary music, has broadened square dancing's appeal, attracting participants who value both physical activity and social interaction.

Implications for Square Dancing's Future

The initiative's success suggests a bright future for square dancing, showcasing its adaptability and enduring charm. By embracing modern music and leveraging social media for recruitment, the project demonstrates square dancing's potential to transcend generational divides. As the community continues to grow, it reaffirms the activity's relevance in today's social landscape, promising a resurgence of interest across all ages.
