
Innovative Urban Farming Flourishes in Indianapolis Through Shipping Container Hydroponics

Mario Vitalis is rewriting the narrative on urban sustainability and community nourishment with New Age Provisions Farms in Indianapolis. Through innovative hydroponics in shipping containers, he's tackling food deserts and cultivating hope for a fresher, more accessible tomorrow.

Rafia Tasleem
New Update
Innovative Urban Farming Flourishes in Indianapolis Through Shipping Container Hydroponics

Innovative Urban Farming Flourishes in Indianapolis Through Shipping Container Hydroponics

In the heart of Indianapolis, a city known more for its racing cars than its radishes, Mario Vitalis is rewriting the narrative on urban sustainability and community nourishment.


Launching New Age Provisions Farms in August 2020 amidst a global upheaval, Vitalis embarked on a journey to transform how cities can tackle food deserts and embrace urban farming. Through the innovative use of hydroponics within shipping containers, Vitalis is not just growing lettuce, kale, and herbs; he's cultivating hope for a fresher, more accessible tomorrow.

The Seeds of Change: Hydroponics in the Urban Jungle

At the core of New Age Provisions Farms lies a modern twist on farming: hydroponics. This method allows Vitalis to produce an array of fresh produce equivalent to 2.5 to 3 acres of traditional farmland, all within the compact footprint of 320 square feet per shipping container.


The journey began with a partnership with Freight Farms, a company specializing in providing the essential equipment and training for shipping container farming. This collaboration enabled Vitalis to establish his operation as a beacon of innovation in addressing the food desert dilemma plaguing approximately 200,000 Indianapolis residents.

Harvesting Community Impact

Vitalis's venture transcends mere agricultural production; it's a mission rooted in community service. By selling produce through an online farmers market, local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs, and directly to cafeterias, Vitalis ensures that fresh, nutritious food is within reach for his urban neighbors.


His role as a Featured Farmer at the 2022 Indiana State Fair and his initiative to share his knowledge through a published book on shipping container farming further underscore his commitment to fostering a sustainable urban ecosystem.

A Blueprint for Future Farmers

The success of New Age Provisions Farms offers a tantalizing glimpse into the potential of hydroponic farming to revolutionize urban agriculture. Nathan Shoaf, an urban agriculture specialist at Purdue Extension, highlights the viability of hydroponics as a means for conventional farmers to diversify and extend their growing seasons without the need for additional land.

This innovative approach not only maximizes production in minimal space but also opens doors for year-round cultivation, offering a sustainable blueprint for tackling the challenges of urban food deserts.

As we look to the future, the story of Mario Vitalis and New Age Provisions Farms serves as a powerful testament to the potential of human ingenuity and the spirit of community resilience. In a world searching for sustainable solutions, the fusion of technology and traditional farming principles might just be the key to a greener, more nourishing tomorrow.
