
Agreement Reached to Mitigate Impact of Linear Chuo Shinkansen Construction on Oi River

JR Central's President Niwa announces an agreement to mitigate the impact of the Linear Chuo Shinkansen construction on the Oi River's water levels by reducing water intake from the upstream dam.

BNN Correspondents
New Update
Agreement Reached to Mitigate Impact of Linear Chuo Shinkansen Construction on Oi River

The Linear Chuo Shinkansen construction, a subject of contention due to concerns raised by Shizuoka Prefecture, has taken a decisive turn. JR Central's President Niwa announced an agreement with the dam operator to diminish the volume of water extracted from the upstream dam. This action aims to address the anticipated impact on the Oi River's water levels, a consequence of the construction project.


Addressing Environmental Concerns

The core of the issue lies in the apprehension that the construction of the Linear Chuo Shinkansen would cause a reduction in the water volume of the Oi River, which traverses through Shizuoka Prefecture. JR Central, in response, proposed a countermeasure: to balance the water outflow from the prefecture due to the construction by decreasing the water intake from the upstream dam. This proposal was well-received and endorsed by the local governing council in November.

A Significant Step Forward


During a routine press conference on December 21, President Niwa disclosed the signing of a fundamental agreement with the related company of Tokyo Electric Power Company, which manages the dam. The agreement outlines the method of reducing water intake and the concept of compensation. President Niwa expressed his belief that signing the agreement represents a significant stride towards easing the anxieties of residents in the Oi River basin.

Partial Early Opening Unlikely

However, in response to Shizuoka Governor Kawakatsu's proposal for a partial early opening of the Linear between Yamanashi and Kanagawa, due to the change in JR Central's presidency, President Niwa asserted that this is not a feasible plan. He cited that it would necessitate the completion of various facilities, including a vehicle base, and there are many issues still to be addressed. This statement indicated a negative stance towards the partial opening.
