
Mysterious Object Discovered in Milky Way Could Fill 'Black Hole Mass Gap'

An unknown object has been discovered in the Milky Way, potentially filling the 'black hole mass gap'. This could lead to new tests of Einstein's general relativity and offer insights into high-density nuclear physics.

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Mysterious Object Discovered in Milky Way Could Fill 'Black Hole Mass Gap'

Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery in the heart of the Milky Way galaxy that could potentially fill the so-called 'black hole mass gap'. This unknown object, heavier than the most massive neutron star and lighter than the lightest black hole, was discovered using the MeerKAT Radio Telescope in South Africa.


The Mystery Object and the Black Hole Mass Gap

Found in a binary system orbiting a rapidly spinning millisecond pulsar, within a globular cluster called NGC 1851, located about 40,000 light years away, the mass of the object baffles scientists. Its mass lies within the 'black hole mass gap' - a region where the mass of compact objects is not well understood, thereby challenging our understanding of the universe.

Implications of the Discovery


This discovery could lead to significant advancements in our understanding of neutron stars, black holes, and other possible entities that may exist within the black hole mass gap. It also presents opportunities for new tests of Einstein's general relativity and provides insights into nuclear physics at high densities.

The Technique Behind the Discovery

The international team of astronomers, which includes contributions from The University of Manchester and the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, utilized the precise timing of the pulsar's emissions to measure its orbital motion and determine the mass of the companion object. However, the precise nature of this object remains an enigma.

This discovery, published in the journal Science, has the potential to significantly advance our understanding of the universe.
