
Praan's Revolutionary Air Purification System Aims to Tackle India's Industrial Pollution Crisis

Praan, a San Francisco and Mumbai-based startup, introduces a groundbreaking air purification technology to combat deadly air pollution in India, offering hope for millions.

Rafia Tasleem
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Praan's Revolutionary Air Purification System Aims to Tackle India's Industrial Pollution Crisis

Praan's Revolutionary Air Purification System Aims to Tackle India's Industrial Pollution Crisis

Every day, billions are exposed to deadly air pollution, leading to millions of premature deaths globally. In India, the situation is dire, with industrial and vehicular emissions contributing to an alarming mortality rate. Recognizing this, Praan, a San Francisco and Mumbai-based startup, has embarked on a mission to combat this issue head-on with its groundbreaking air purification technology.


Revolutionary Technology for a Breath of Fresh Air

Praan's technology, a blend of mechanical filtration, electrostatic precipitation, and UV-C light, promises to neutralize air contaminants effectively. This innovation is not just about cleaning the air but transforming the lives of blue-collar workers in Indian factories, who are among the most affected by air pollution. The deployment of the MK II air purification system at factory sites signifies a major step forward in industrial air purification, offering a beacon of hope for millions.

From Concept to Reality


The journey of Praan from a college project to a fully-fledged company with over 250 employees is nothing short of inspirational. The team, bringing experience from leading tech giants, is driven by a shared vision to make a tangible impact on global air quality. The startup has not only garnered significant venture capital but also attracted attention from industry stalwarts, signaling a growing consensus on the need for sustainable solutions to air pollution.

Impact and Implementation

With its advanced air purifiers, Praan is setting new standards in the fight against air pollution. The technology’s application in factories, hospitals, schools, and public spaces showcases its versatility and potential to significantly reduce pollutants. The installation of HIVE units in schools is a testament to Praan's commitment to safeguarding future generations from the perils of polluted air.

The deployment of Praan's air purification systems could mark a turning point in India's battle against air pollution. By prioritizing health and safety, Praan not only aims to improve immediate air quality but also contributes to a broader discourse on environmental sustainability. As we move forward, the success of such innovations could inspire further action, driving us towards a cleaner, healthier future.
