
Chicago Union Boss Urges National Guard Deployment for Transit Safety Amid Rising Crime

Chicago's transit union demands National Guard deployment for enhanced security on buses and trains, amid citywide violence surge. A critical move reflecting urgent safety concerns.

Sakchi Khandelwal
New Update
Chicago Union Boss Urges National Guard Deployment for Transit Safety Amid Rising Crime

Chicago Union Boss Urges National Guard Deployment for Transit Safety Amid Rising Crime

Following New York's lead, Chicago's largest transit workers' union has called for Illinois National Guard assistance to enhance security on the city's buses and trains. Keith Hill, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union 241, emphasized the necessity of bag checks and additional security measures to ensure passenger and worker safety amidst escalating citywide violence. This plea comes amidst a backdrop of increased crime rates on Chicago's transit system, despite efforts to bolster security through additional police presence and private security measures.


Rising Concerns Over Transit Safety

Chicago's public transit system has historically been a lifeline for the city, offering essential connectivity for residents. However, recent years have seen a troubling uptick in violent incidents on trains and buses, casting a shadow over the system's safety and reliability. Despite a slight decrease in violent crime rates on the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) trains in 2023, levels remain concerning, prompting union officials to seek more drastic solutions. The call for National Guard deployment reflects a growing consensus that current security measures, though expanded, are inadequate in addressing the gravity of the issue.

Comparative Measures in New York


New York's recent decision to deploy 750 National Guard members to assist with bag checks and security at subway stations has set a precedent that Chicago's transit authorities are now urged to follow. This move, aimed at curbing a 20% surge in crime within New York's public transit system, represents a proactive approach to ensuring passenger safety. The comparison between the two cities' situations underscores a shared urgency in addressing urban transit security, with New York's actions offering a potential blueprint for Chicago.

Voices for Change

As Chicago grapples with these challenges, voices like Keith Hill's play a crucial role in advocating for tangible solutions to restore confidence in the city's transit system. The suggestion to implement bag checks, despite potential inconveniences, highlights a prioritization of safety over speed, aiming to deter individuals from bringing weapons onto public transportation. The debate over the National Guard's role in urban settings continues, with supporters arguing that their presence could serve as a significant deterrent to crime, thereby enhancing the overall security and usability of public transit.

The call for National Guard deployment in Chicago marks a pivotal moment in the city's ongoing struggle with crime and public safety. As officials weigh the potential benefits against logistical and civil liberties concerns, the broader implications for urban security strategies and the role of military assistance in civilian spaces come into focus. This situation invites a reevaluation of how cities can effectively safeguard public spaces while maintaining the principles of freedom and accessibility that define them.
