
EXCLUSIVE: The Dark Side of Wikipedia - The Billion-Dollar Web of Deception, Lies & Elite Manipulation

Revealing Wikipedia's dark side: manipulation, elite control, and financial secrecy challenge the integrity of this digital knowledge giant, urging a critical reassessment of its role in shaping public perception and trust.

Geeta Pillai and Nitish Verma
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The Dark Side of Wikipedia - The Billion-Dollar Web of Deception, Lies & Elite Manipulation

Dark Side of Wikipedia

In an era where information is as accessible as it is manipulable, Wikipedia stands as a titan of knowledge, its pages a first port of call for the curious and the questioning. Yet, beneath the surface of this digital encyclopedic behemoth lies a labyrinth of controversies, allegations, and actions that raise profound questions about the nature of truth, trust, and the very fabric of the internet itself.


At the heart of this storm is Wikipedia's unparalleled dominance on the web, bolstered by Google's algorithm that assigns it a near-perfect Domain Authority score. This ranking ensures that for virtually any query, Wikipedia's interpretation of the facts is among the first presented to the inquirer. This visibility, combined with the fleeting attention spans of the modern internet user, makes Wikipedia not just a repository of knowledge but a battleground for narrative control.

The notion that Wikipedia is an open, democratic platform where "everyone can just edit" is a facade, according to even our research. Behind the benign exterior of collective knowledge contribution lurks a shadowy reality: hired troll armies orchestrating the content that shapes public perception. These digital mercenaries engage in edit wars, pushing agendas and narratives far removed from neutrality, effectively locking out genuine contributions under the guise of maintaining factual accuracy.

Our founder, Gurbaksh Chahal's journey, highlights the profound challenges encountered on Wikipedia. For over a decade, his profile has been under the influence and manipulation of specific users, such as Chisme and Lepricavark, who have deliberately shaped a misleading and negative narrative. This deliberate distortion, which has persisted for 11 years, involved locking the page to limit editing rights to a select group, thereby dictating the narrative. Following this pattern, the group next targeted his wife, Rubina Bajwa, an acclaimed Indian actress, by taking over her page, locking it, prohibiting any updates, and effectively becoming the gatekeepers to any future edits to her profile.


This targeted discrediting campaign has now shifted its focus to BNN Breaking. Despite being sourced by prominent publications such as  The Washington Post, Politico, VOX, New York Post, The Guardian, Forbes, The Independent, People Magazine, and a readership exceeding ten million monthly, our reputation is being undermined. Thousands of Wikipedia entries recognize BNN as a dependable source, yet the same groups behind past defamation attempts have now wrongfully tagged BNN as a "fake news" purveyor, creating a page specifically to tarnish the company's reputation. Utilizing the same strategy, they've locked the page, granting these actors exclusive control over the narrative and silenced any potential for rebuttal.

Here’s a simpler way to look at it: someone gains control of the Apple page on Wikipedia and locks it. They then proceed to edit the page, emphasizing how apples are "bad" and adding citations from other websites that echo their negative narrative. The next time a user searches for apples, they will only see results indicating that apples are bad, with Wikipedia's page appearing at the top of the list. That's how Google's algorithm works with Wikipedia.

This systematic campaign of defamation is an act of a professional operation fueled by financial incentives. It's implausible to believe that individuals spontaneously embark on a mission to craft harmful pages about personalities and media entities they know nothing about. Such targeted character assassination is the hallmark of paid operatives, who exploit that most users don't venture beyond the first three search results. By manipulating and locking Wikipedia pages to their advantage, they achieve their goal of shaping public perception, leaving a lasting stain on the reputations of those targeted.


This narrative manipulation raises alarming questions about the integrity of Wikipedia's content and the anonymous architects behind it. Critics argue that once celebrated as a beacon of free knowledge, the platform has devolved into a tool for narrative control, where truth is not discovered but decided by those with the means to enforce their version of it.

The financial underpinnings of Wikipedia further muddy the waters. Despite operating as a non-profit and regularly soliciting donations with pleas of financial need, its financial statements, as audited by KPMG, reveal a substantial reserve of over $274 million. The organization's annual spending of over $100 million on salaries, under the leadership of founder Jimmy Wales, draws attention to its operational expenditures, especially given its lack of direct involvement in content creation or validation of its accuracy. This situation raises concerns about the transparency and rationale behind its fundraising campaigns.

Wikipedia's role as a central hub of information is significantly challenged by both external pressures and internal conflicts. It faces fines from the Russian government for not censoring what is labeled as fake content about the Ukraine conflict, and legal challenges in Estonia accuse it of spreading misinformation. These incidents place Wikipedia at the heart of worldwide political and ideological battles. Internally, the platform is criticized for potential biases, seen in both the alteration of historical accounts and the shaping of modern political narratives.


The platform's struggle to remain neutral is exemplified by internal edit wars and charges of political bias. A striking example is the limitation imposed on edits to the "recession" article during a period of intense activity that presented a narrative contrary to the Biden administration's depiction of the U.S. economy. This highlights the challenge Wikipedia faces in ensuring the accuracy and impartiality of content amid heated political debates. 

Furthermore, concerns over ideological bias have been spotlighted by research, including a study led by historians Jan Grabowski and Shira Klein, showing that Wikipedia entries on the Holocaust in Poland were modified by an ideologically driven group aiming to reshape historical perceptions. Such manipulation of facts to fit specific viewpoints underscores the vulnerability of Wikipedia to biases and misinformation, intertwining concerns about its operational integrity and financial motives with the overarching issue of content reliability and objectivity.

Wikipedia's other co-founder, Larry Sanger, has raised serious doubts about the site's current path, leading to his separation from the platform and his stark warning: “Nobody should trust Wikipedia.” He has critiqued the shift away from a neutral standpoint towards what he views as a bias aligned with establishment viewpoints. This critique is echoed in the broader discourse surrounding Wikipedia, where editorial bias, the influence of paid editing, and the platform's vulnerability to manipulation have become points of contention.


Moreover, Wikipedia's reliance on a volunteer editing base predominantly composed of Western males has sparked debates about the diversity of perspectives on the platform. This demographic homogeneity raises concerns about the inclusivity of the knowledge it purports to disseminate, potentially sidelining voices and views from less-represented groups.

As Wikipedia grapples with these challenges, the implications for society's relationship with information are profound. In a digital age defined by the quest for truth amid a sea of misinformation, Wikipedia's struggles encapsulate the broader dilemmas of trust, authority, and the power dynamics that shape our collective understanding of the world.

The revelations surrounding Wikipedia's manipulation and financial opacity invite a reevaluation of its role in the digital information ecosystem, particularly in how it interacts with search engine rankings, such as those from Google. They prompt a critical inquiry into knowledge production and dissemination mechanisms in the 21st century, challenging us to confront the realities of an information war where the stakes are nothing less than our collective grasp on truth.

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