
University of Phoenix Surpasses National Benchmarks in Online Student Satisfaction

University of Phoenix sets a new standard in online student satisfaction, according to the Ruffalo Noel Levitz Priorities Survey for Online Learners. Their commitment to nurturing a sense of belonging and offering a skills-aligned curriculum has led to remarkable results, exceeding national benchmarks by up to 12 percentage points.

Justice Nwafor
New Update
University of Phoenix Surpasses National Benchmarks in Online Student Satisfaction

University of Phoenix Surpasses National Benchmarks in Online Student Satisfaction

As we delve into the ever-evolving landscape of online education, a beacon of success shines through the results of the Ruffalo Noel Levitz Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL). The University of Phoenix has emerged as a pioneer, setting a new standard in online student satisfaction. With an impressive leap, the university's online students have reported satisfaction levels that not only surpass the previous year's scores but also outshine the national benchmark by up to 12 percentage points.


The Heart of Online Learning Success

The recent survey unveils a compelling narrative of achievement, with 83% of respondents expressing a robust satisfaction with their online college experience, marking a 2% increase from 2021. This figure stands a significant 10% higher than the satisfaction levels observed across more than 150 public and private U.S. institutions. Such remarkable outcomes underscore the University of Phoenix's dedication to nurturing a sense of belonging among its students, which research has consistently linked to enhanced learning outcomes and retention.

Provost John Woods sees these findings as a testament to the university's unwavering commitment to supporting its primarily working adult learners. By offering a skills-aligned curriculum and robust student support initiatives, the institution has successfully enhanced the academic journey of many, paving the way for not just academic success but also improved mental health and higher engagement levels among its students.


Key Satisfaction Indicators

In the realm of online education, certain elements are crucial for fostering student satisfaction and success. The survey identified high levels of satisfaction with program alignment with career paths, technical assistance, course format, and classroom technology. These factors are often pivotal for students who juggle their studies with work and other responsibilities, seeking flexible yet comprehensive learning experiences that align with their career aspirations.

However, the journey doesn't end here. Despite already surpassing national benchmarks, the University of Phoenix recognizes the importance of continual improvement. The survey also pinpointed areas for further enhancement, ensuring that the university remains at the forefront of online education innovation.
