
Experts Unveil Keys to Transitioning Large Acres to Organic at 2024 OGRAIN Conference

Experts at the 2024 OGRAIN Conference share insights on transitioning to organic farming. Learn about strategic planning, overcoming challenges, and the importance of community support.

Geeta Pillai
New Update
Experts Unveil Keys to Transitioning Large Acres to Organic at 2024 OGRAIN Conference

Experts Unveil Keys to Transitioning Large Acres to Organic at 2024 OGRAIN Conference

MADISON, Wis. - Transitioning large plots of agricultural land to organic status demands strategic planning, tailored crop selection, and patience, as highlighted by agricultural experts at the 2024 OGRAIN Conference. Taylor Stewart, Michael O'Donnell, and Angie Coxworth shared valuable insights into the complexities of converting conventional farms to embrace organic and regenerative farming practices, underscoring the importance of location-specific strategies and the long-term economic and environmental benefits.


Strategic Planning for Organic Transition

Transitioning to organic agriculture is a meticulous process that varies significantly based on geographic location and market demands. For instance, Belltown Farms, managing over 28,000 acres across the United States, tailors its crop rotation and transition strategies to fit local market needs and soil conditions. Winter wheat, alfalfa, clover, and organic popcorn emerge as preferred crops in a phased transition approach, demonstrating the adaptability required to succeed in organic farming.

Overcoming Challenges Through Innovation


Challenges such as storage needs, labor, and equipment investments are critical considerations for farmers transitioning to organic. Angie Coxworth highlights the importance of building adequate grain storage and finding the right balance of labor and equipment. The necessity for specialized equipment and the trial-and-error approach underscore the importance of resilience and flexibility in the transition process. Moreover, understanding the timing and execution of farm operations is crucial for maximizing yield and maintaining soil health.

Community and Flexibility: Pillars of Success

Embracing community knowledge and staying flexible are vital for transitioning farmers. Stewart emphasizes the importance of observing and learning from successful organic farmers in the area, avoiding unnecessary risks by adopting proven strategies. The panelists agree that every year presents unique challenges, making it essential to reassess and adapt plans accordingly. This community-oriented and flexible approach not only aids in the successful transition to organic but also fosters a supportive network among farmers.

The 2024 OGRAIN Conference, a pivotal event for the organic farming community, provided a platform for sharing experiences, strategies, and insights into the transition to organic farming. This gathering underscores the growing interest and commitment to sustainable agriculture practices that benefit both the environment and the economy. As the organic farming movement gains momentum, the lessons shared at the conference offer valuable guidance for farmers embarking on this rewarding yet challenging journey.
